Reserve your spot today and let the universe know you are ready to receive peace and calm.  By being a part of this 10 day Manifestation Meditation Challenge, you will learn the principles of manifestation while learning the principles of mindfulness.  And as a result you will start to increase the neural connections in your brain, gain a deeper connection to yourself and be more connected with life!    

Ask yourself this: 1) Are you feeling stuck?  2) Are you feeling that nothing is coming together?  3) Are you needing a break from life?

Each virtual session is up to 30 min - sometimes it can be less and will be recorded. 



When you are able to step into the present moment, through guided meditations and mindfulness practices, it allows you to find inner peace, and feel calm

Where your attention goes is where your energy into the universe goes.  
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- I understand, Mary Ann Stancel is not a medical doctor, or licensed counselor/therapist.

- I understand I am responsible for acquiring the mental health support, aftercare, or other work needed to process this work, according to my own self-needs.

- I understand Mary Ann does not guarantee any specific result and is unable to predict or control what my outcome may be.

-I understand that if I miss a session they will be recorded

- I understand, this work is not a substitute for medical treatment or therapy.

- I understand that it is up to me to do the work and if I do that I can shift my world in a whole new way

- I understand payment is due when signified. If payment is not made, I will be taken out of the group.

- I understand that all information is confidential

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I am an experienced and compassionate multidimensional multiracial intuitive energy practitioner, spiritual guide and mentor of Ignited Soul. With a deep commitment to healing and transformation, I hold sacred space for individuals and groups, supporting them in their journey to heal their hearts, call their power back, release emotions and energy and embrace freedom, happiness and alignment in their lives.


In my practice I pay deep respect and honor to the lineages, ancestors, spirits, Mother Earth, energy and medicinal plants from which she has learned, received guidance and found support.  I acknowledge the ongoing evolution and growth in my journey, always welcoming new insights and opportunities for expansion.  

I invite you to embark on a profound healing journey with me, where you can reconnect to your true self, access your inner wisdom, and experience the transformative power of love and energetic healing.

10 day Manifestation Meditation Challenge$35

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What Clients Are Saying:
“I have NEVER been able to meditate successfully before; my brain is always swirling in so many different directions. Through her guided meditation, I finally was able to experience true stillness and I SAW COLORS! It was like a kaleidoscope of beautiful colors and this extreme calmness came over me. Mary Ann has a true gift and I am so honored that she is on my spiritual healing team.”- Emily

“My session with Mary Ann was nothing short of magical. I loved how Mary Ann first walked me through her process, explaining the modalities she uses in our session. Once the session started, her calming voice and healing touch just took me to somewhere else. I felt so at peace, receptive and connected to my highest self.”- Ali N

  • Total payment
  • 1x10 day Manifestation Meditation Challenge$35

All prices in USD
